The ETC400R is designed for optimum speed in connection with calibration of infrared thermometers. The 36 mm target provides the optimum size for reliable calibration of infrared thermometers in the process industry as it is designed for high accuracy and long-term stability while maintaining speed.
With regard to the coating of the target it has been especially designed for space technology applications, which secure long time performance under high temperature influence. In combination with the shape of the target it ensures the emissivity of 0.96. If higher accuracy is required, and for recalibration, a 3 mm external JOFRA STS reference probe can be placed under the surface of the target. The ETC-400R includes a durable aluminium carry case to protect the target from dust, dirt and damage. 
FEATURES: Designed for people
who perform tests and verifi cations of temperature sensing devices in the field. This instrument is ideal when time is a critical factor and the highest accuracy is not a critical factor. Reduced size and weight are important considerations because the unit is able to fi t into a tool box or instrument carrying case and can be used for sensors that are difficult to access. One-key-one-function user interface provides immediate access to setting the temperature and the auto-step timesaving function. There is no need for manipulation of sophisticated menus. 
The Stability indicator provides audible and visual prompts when the temperature is stable. This function also includes a 3 minute countdown before the stable condition. Stainless steel and rubber side panels make the instrument suitable for many years of faithful duty in an industrial environment.
Easy-to-use, intuitive operation - All instrument controls are accessed directly from the front panel. The main functions on the ETC- series are designed with one-key-one-function logic. This means that there are no difficult multiple keystrokes to remember to access primary functions. The easy-to-read, backlit display features dedicated icons, which help in identifying instrument conditions and operational steps.
Set temperature -
The Up and Down arrow keys allow the user to set the exact temperature desired with a resolution of 0.1 Deg C or Deg F. Stability indicator - The bold checkmark on the display indicates that the calibrator has reached the desired set temperature and is stable. The operator may change the stability criteria and establish a greater level of confidence in the calibration results as desired. A convenient countdown timer is activated three minutes before the unit reaches stability. This prompts you to be prepared to record results.
 Auto-stepping - This feature saves time. The operator may stay in the control room, or another remote location, monitoring the output from the sensor-under-test while the ETC- series calibrator is placed in the process and automatically changes the temperature using a programmed step value and rate. Up to 9 different temperature steps may be programmed, including the hold time for each step. This feature is also ideal for burning-in new sensors prior to installation; this minimizes initial drift and allows for initial testing. It is also useful for testing temperature data loggers.
Maximum temperature -
From the setup menu, you can select a lower maximum tempe-rature limit for the calibrator. This function prevents damage to the sensor-under-test caused by the application of excessive temperatures.
Instrument setups - The ETC-series stores the complete instrument setup, including: engineering units, stability criteria, resolution, auto-step settings, and maximum temperature.
Re-calibration/adjustments made easy - The ETC- series has a very easy and straightforward procedure for re-calibration/adjustment. There is no need for a screwdriver or PC software. The only thing you need is a reliable reference thermometer. Place the probe in the calibrator and follow the instructions on the display.

JOFRA IR-LAB software for the ETC-40
As an extra feature the ETC-400R will be delivered with a small mathematical program, which will constitute a powerful tool together with the calibrator. The program enables you to calculate at which temperatures you need to calibrate, if your IR thermometer is either locked to a fixed emission factor or if you just want to calibrate your thermometer at a certain emission factor. The program facilitates the whole issue of correcting settings of emission factors and temperatures. The calibration surface of the JOFRA ETC-400 R IR calibrator has an emission factor of 0.96. If your IR-thermometer is using a different emission factor than 0.96, the result will be a faulty temperature reading on your IR thermometer. However if your IR thermometer is using an emission factor of 0.95 or 0.98 - a helpfull diagram is part of the standard delivery. Example: Your thermometer is locked to an emission factor of 0.98 and you have set the JOFRA ETC-400 R to 300 Deg C. The diagram indicates that 3.9 Deg C must be subtracted from the calibrator temperature, to obtain the "true" IR thermometer reading (296.1 Deg C). If you are working with IR thermometers where the emission factor is different than 0.95, 0.96 or 0.98, or other parameters differ from "standard", use the PC program JOFRA IR-Lab. The JOFRA IR-Lab program allows you to type in various emission factors, in order to get a "true" temperature readout on your thermometer or the other way around - what is the true surface temperature of the calibrator. But the IR-Lab will do more than that; it allows you to calculate "true" temperatures in simulated surroundings that approximate your actual test environments.